Wednesday, March 01, 2006

When will people ever learn?! *sigh*

Here's my short guide on how to use the MRT properly.

1. When going up the stairs and there are lots and lots of people waiting to get up, there's absolutely no need to push people. It won't get them anywhere, and it won't get you anywhere too. If there were any more space left to move to, don't you think the people in front of you would have moved already?

2. When going through the turnstile, please wait until the person in front of you has already passed. I'm not really sure if it has a counter of the accepted tickets or anything but it's better to be safe (and act like civilized people).

3. When boarding the train, learn to make a queue. Some people just like to go to the platform and position themselves by the sides of where the door is supposed to stop. Why? So that they can get past the "queue" of people who are positioned directly in front of the train door. Those people SUCK! These are the people who like to push other people around. Be civilized and follow the yellow markers and make a "queue" so people can just go straight and not push (see #1) each other. When people are in a queue, people can board the train faster and in a more orderly fashion.

4. When about to board the train, when you're near the front of the crowd and you suddenly decide that you don't want to get in just yet, DO NOT BLOCK OTHER PEOPLE. If you don't want to board, get out of the way so that other people (who might be in a hurry) can board the train.

5. Again, when boarding the train, try to fill the areas near the middle of the train and avoid crowding the area near the doors unnecessarily. People SHOULD be nice enough to give way when you're getting off the train at the next stop, right?

I guess that's all for now. I think it's a hopeless situation, really. Some people just never learn...


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